Best Places to Get Kissed

Owning a bed and breakfast is more than being in the hospitality business, it is also being in the LOVE business. We have the opportunity to meet those lovers who come here to celebrate new love, rekindle the romance, major milestones in life and more! So while we are not experts on kissing per se, we are experts in discovering the best places to get kissed in SW Virginia.

Smart View Overlook Smart View Recreational Area offers several hiking trails and picnic areas. Located along the Blue Ridge Parkway, Smart View also offers excellent views of the Virginia Piedmont. Various trails meander through moist deciduous woodlands, hardwood forests, and open fields. This site is great place to bird during spring migration, but summer also is productive with breeders such as hooded, Kentucky, and black-and white warblers, Acadian and great-crested flycatchers, blue-gray gnatcatcher, yellow-throated and red-eyed vireos, chipping sparrow, brown thrasher, and scarlet tanager.

3 mile loop trail with beautiful vistas (Best place to plant a kiss is near the 1890’s cabin that can be reached easily from the parking area) There are also picnic tables and restrooms available.

Directions to Smart View Recreation Area: It is located at milepost 154 on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Chateau Morrisette Winery and Restaurant
The restaurant has outside seating with magnificent Blue Ridge Mountains views and our recommended place to get kissed!

Continue south from Smartview on the Blue Ridge Parkway to milepost 171.5 where you will find Chateau Morrisette – a winery and restaurant Call ahead 540.593.2865 for reservations or open-table. (Note – Cell phones are limited up on the Blue Ridge Parkway)

Under the trestle of one of Patrick County’s Historic Covered Bridges (“Kissing Bridges”):

Jack’s Creek Bridge crosses the Smith River in Patrick County on Route 615 just west of Route 8, about two miles south of Woolwine. The 48-foot span, built in 1914, has been replaced by a modern bridge but is being retained. Jack’s Creek Bridge can be seen from Route 8 at its intersection with Route 615, or it can be reached by turning west two-tenths of a mile on Route 615, see map here.

The Bob White Bridge in Patrick County is an 80-foot truss over the Smith River near Route 8, south of Woolwine. Built in 1921, it served principally as a connection between Route 8 and a church on the south side of the river. Although it has been replaced with a modern bridge, visitors can still walk up to the Bob White Bridge,which was retained for its historic value. It can be reached from Woolwine by traveling one and a half miles south on Route 8, then east one mile on Route 618 to Route 869. Turn south and go one-tenth of a mile, see map here.

Philpott Lake Overlook at the Dam
Philpott Lake has so many magical places you could choose, but since this is the BEST of, we will say the Dam Overlook near the lake’s visitor center. There is a picnic area, so pack up a picnic and step out for a kiss near the dam overlook!

Experience wild and scenic beauty of Virginia’s Birding & Wildlife Trail. One of the best spots in western Virginia for brown-headed nuthatch, scurrying around in treetops. Pine warbler and yellow-throated warbler also easy to find. Other species are blue jay, Carolina chickadee, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, Carolina wren, cedar waxwing, red-eyed vireo, chipping sparrow, and American goldfinch. Barn swallows nest on the dam swarm over the water just in front of the dam.

Directions: From the intersection of US 220 and US 58 south of Martinsville, travel north 11.0 miles on US 220 to the intersection US 220 and SR 57 in Bassett Forks. Take SR 57 west 1.1 miles to SR 57A. Once on SR 57A, continue west 5.0 miles to Rt. 904. Turn right and follow it 1.2 miles to the visitor center.

Smith Mountain Lake State Park
Another fantastic picnic location, waterside trails and lakeviews from Turtle Island. This is a short hike from the trail head out to the island, you cross a small bridge and will find a few nice spots to plant a kiss. We recommend catching the sunset from this scenic and overtly romantic place!

Location: The park is on the north shore of Smith Mountain Lake in Bedford County, approximately 40 miles from both Lynchburg and Roanoke and 140 miles from Richmond. To get there, take U.S. 460 to Route 122 South to Moneta, then go east on Route 608 to White House. Next go south on Route 626 for two miles to park entrance. 1235 State Park Road, Huddleston, VA 24104 (Note: There is a day use fee of $4 or $5 per vehicle)

On top of Molly’s Knob
Molly’s Knob is a hiking trail that goes straight up to the top with breathtaking Appalachian Mountain views from Hungry Mother State Park, near Marion Virginia. A great reward at the top with a special place to get kissed for hiking enthusiasts! (Note: There is a day use fee of $4 or $5 per vehicle)

Location: Hungry Mother State Park is in Smyth County. To get there, take Exit 47 from Interstate 81. Travel approximately one mile on Route 11 toward Marion. Turn right on Route 16 north and travel four miles to the park: 2854 Park Blvd., Marion, Va. 24354 (This is a Claiborne House innkeeper’s favorite, and worth the 2 hour drive)